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What if your life could change for the better despite chronic pain?

Want to start your journey of recovery?
Have a look at my online mini course:
"Making Friends with Your Body - Despite Pain"

Live a Life with Purpose. Despite Pain.

Designed from pain patients for pain patients – developed by experts!

Does your body seem to do what it wants?


Do you feel alone with your pain?


Does the pain hold you back from doing the things that you’d love to do?


Do you want to change this and need a way out?

Then Pain.Pause.Live. is the right choice for you!
Simple, comprehensible steps to a valued life.

About Me

Gideon Franck, our founder, is a psychologist, pain coach and a pain patient himself. He knows both sides.


" I help people with longstanding, chronic pain to better manage their pain and other adverse symptoms with cutting edge psychological methods,  so that they can connect to their bodies in a more positive way, rebuilding trust in order to live a life with connection, activity, purpose and meaning.."


In 2022 Gideon won the "German Pain Award for Research and Pain Medicine" of Europe’s largest association of medical pain therapists.

Pain.Pause.Live. is based on new, scientifically proven methods (evidence-based) of pain psychology.


Find ways how you can:
  • regain trust in your body.

  • become more active in life without exhausting

  • get more in touch with others – others who have a
    better understanding for your situation.

  • learn how to deal with your pain and difficult


… and much more!


Start to regain trust in your body:

"Making Friends with Your Body - Despite Pain"


What does Pain.Pause.Live. offer you?

One course – three steps!

Step 1 – My Pain

Learn how to deal better with your pain and difficult emotions.


Step 2 – My Body

Learn how to regain trust in your body.


Step 3 – My Life

Using the things you learned so far to move your life in a direction you value.

Pain Recovery Program

Important! The Pain.Pause.Live. program does not replace medical treatment or psychotherapy! The program is about building quality of life and not about curing illness. You receive help for self-help. If you need medical advice, psychotherapy or counseling, please don’t hesitate to turn to your GP or, even better, pain specialist.

The 3 basic principles of Pain.Pause.Live.

Accept yourself



A life with purpose

6 Pillars of Chronic Pain Treatment (Free PDF)

What to consider for a successful treatment of chronic pain. Get my the free PDF and my newsletter.

Why is the treatment of chronic pain difficult?

Chronic pain is always a bio-psycho-social event. If only one aspect is treated, it's often not enough. In the checklist you'll learn what to consider.

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